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Are You The Annoying Person At The Pub?

Do you share your crisps? DO YOU SHARE YOUR CRISPS?

pubquiz Source: Flickr/peterme

1. First things first - have you got your wallet?
Of course.
Yeah it's right he- oh. I must have left it at home.
3. You've bought a packet of crisps. Do you share?
Eh, no. I don't share food.
Of course, I open them out all fancy and all.
4. The barman goes to serve you over a person who was there before you. What do you do?
Pounce on the chance and quickly shoot in your (very long) order.
Direct the barman towards the waiting person. It's only sound.

Engage in an embarrassing "No you go first!" routine with the waiting person until they order.
Oh, there was someone else there? I didn't notice.
5. How do you feel about people taking photos on nights out?
Avoid if possible.
Only if there are plenty of filters put on them after.

I'm the one taking them, obvs.
6. You've just ordered your drink. What do you do?
Find a table and nestle in for the night.
Stand at the bar, casually sipping your pint, as people jostle to order around you.

Go join your mates in the smoking area.
7. Which of these pubs would you be most comfortable in?
8. How likely is it that you'll want shots later?
Very likely. And everyone HAS to have one with me.
Good god no. I have STUFF to do tomorrow.

I could be persuaded...
9. A small argument has broken out between two friends over a piece of trivia. What do you do?
Quickly ask if anyone wants another drink, to defuse the tension.
Step in and set them right with your knowledge. "Well actually..."

Leave them be. They'll work it out.
Google it and shove your phone in their faces. Anything for a quiet life.
10. Finally - are you prone to spilling your drink, on yourself and others?
Answer all the questions to see your result!
Press Association Images
You scored out of !
You're the pub angel.
You're always trying to keep things on an even keel, making sure everyone gets served before you. Aren't you TOO good?
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You scored out of !
You're not annoying at all.
There have been occasions where you've brought out a "Well actually..." during a pub discussion, but you're mostly a good guy. Well done.
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Press Association Images
You scored out of !
You're kind of annoying.
You insist on shots and photos while everyone sits there and grimaces. There there, we know you don't mean to.
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You scored out of !
It's YOU!
You're the annoying person at the pub! You probably shouldn't even BE in a pub. Go home and think about what you've done.
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